Windows Registry 7 Cleaner

Activate Any Version of Windows 7 with RemoveWAT

===============ABOUT REMOVEWAT=============== This little program called “RemoveWAT” by Hazar, will permanently disable WAT [Windows Activation Technologies], and prevents Microsoft from enabling it again. This means no more nagging screens telling you to buy Windows, no more pop-ups, no more limitations! You will still be able to get great features and updates from Microsoft after using this, it’s a dream some true! It’s so much faster, safer, cleaner, and better than those damn boot loaders! ===============UNINSTALLING=============== If for some reason you don’t like it or it’s causing problems, just launch RemoveWAT.exe again and click “Restore WAT”. Then restart your computer to complete the process. ===============SPECIAL NOTE=============== After using this activator, make sure you do NOT install Windows Update KB971033, it will break the activation. To reactivate, uninstall the update and rerun the program. ===============WARNING=============== THIS IS FOR WINDOWS 7 [32-bit and 64-bit, any version] ONLY! USING IT ON ANY OTHER OS WILL CAUSE IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE! ===============READ THIS RETARDS!=============== Yes, it shows up as a virus, because guess what? RemoveWAT is a hack tool. Go ahead, find any program cracks on the Internet, I guarantee 90% of them will show up as viruses. Simple explanation: They modify components of a program, or in this case, YOUR COPY OF WINDOWS 7. So shove your dumbass “omg viruzzz dunt down i liek men 8===DO:” comments up your ass, I’m

Registry Scan

Activate registry and task manager method 1

How to Activate registry and task manager easy method

Continued here: Activate registry and task manager method 1