Clean Registry


Just recently my neighbor gave me his computer to repair has he was having issues running his computer. He kept telling me that he kept running the virus scanner and that there was no virus on his computer. Yet, I know the not all software’s work, but there is still something else that was causing the blue screen of death. This is the reason I decided to help him out and repair his computer. I knew it was a system failure due to overheating of the CPU. This is the reason I opened his computer and saw all the dust. I cleaned out the dust, cleaned is components and vents. Then I ran the Malware, spyware software’s to clean his computer. Also fixed some registry issues. All and all, it came out great. I also talk about other things including: New Internet Speed Internet Speed Test
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 replies on “DUST CAN KILL YOUR COMPUTER!!!”

I am ready to buy a new PC (tower)….but I’d like to keep my old HD as a plug in…kind of like in tandem with a new larger memory HD and as a secondary drive., This is to enable me to access files, photos and stuff I have there….can I do this ??

hi.. =D I have a question.. my computer is making a sound like fan it’s working faster after a clean the dust of it… Did i do something wrong??

why not just flip that fan over and put the rotating part with the blades off? ya know they just slide off where you can clean them properly…

look up DataVac ED500 on amazon for a awesome duster used to clean out your PC, its made for electronics, i have one and its amazing!

air compressor is fine if you clean your pc outside your room, bit if you do it inside you have everything flying around in your room and your pc will suck it back in.
im using an aircompressor everytime, you just need to be carefull not to go on full power and hold your fans at position so the dont start spinning due to the airflow.

very helpful ty but why dont you weir rubber gloves you do know that dust is something like 75% dead skin just so you

I don’t think its the brand, I believe its just the way people take care of their computers. I my self do not see a lot of HPs, I see a lot of Dells. Once and a while I get a toshiba, but never got a sony. Hmmmm. Thanks for the comment.

Nice video dude ,thanks on that info I too have a HP and to be honest…..I’ve seen like 20 HP computers at FRYS electronics ….do you think it’s the brand? Or the way people handle their PC? Thanks

lol nice I dont know how old one of the computers i just kinda scrapped together is made a voodoo2 SLI computer with a pentium 2 for fun last night. too bad people dont actually even think about cleaning their computer.Ive told ppl about the air compressor thing and they werent careful like i said and blew a few components off their mobo

You’re right… this is part of my business, cleaning computers. There is always someone out there with a dirty computer. My computers are always clean. The is one of the reasons I have a 9 year old computer that still runs like new.

dust is everywhere in a computer especially when you have one like mine that has 4 fans. I always take mine outside tho when i air compress it out and gets it real clean for me but i dont really let my computer get real crappy with dust i air compress it out twice a month and i get alot of dust everytime

Yes, but as I stated in the video, it is not recommended as the dust can go to other places in your computer and it will be hard to get the dust off or can cause an electrical shock within the board. This is when you are dealing with the CPU. Else where… yes, you can use an air compressor.

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