Clean Registry

Why You Should Use a Registry Cleaner to Clean Up Your PC

By Julian Bates

Have you been having problems with your computer lately? I’m not talking about regular problems that come about as a result of our inability to understand some of the things we are doing, I’m talking about problems that are directly caused by the computer itself. These troubles include such things as a slow running system, Windows error messages and periodic crashes. If you are tired of dealing with these and really want to do something about it, the easiest way to fix them is to clean your Windows registry.

Unfortunately, there are very few of us out there that are really comfortable with fooling around inside of the registry. As a matter of fact, many people that we would consider to be computer geeks would not do this either. Fortunately for us, it is possible to go in and take care of the situation automatically with the use of a registry cleaner. If you have never used one of these before, you will no doubt be surprised with how easily the entire process can take place. Within just a short period of time, you can be sitting behind a faster computer that is running without the errors and crashes that you are just dealing with.

The main reason why you should use a registry cleaner to clean up your PC is because you will improve your system speed. Do you remember when you first brought your computer or home from the store, how quick it was? Most people just think that the computer slowing down is a fact of life and there is very little that can be done about it. The real fact is that you can speed up your computer by getting rid of errors that exists in the Windows registry. No matter what you do on your computer, the registry is going to be accessed and analyzed. If it doesn’t have as much erroneous data to sort through, it will be a little bit snappier as a result.

Another reason why you should use a registry cleaner is because it will help you to identify other problems that may exist on your computer. Viruses and spyware and to hide out in the Windows registry and even if they are removed, traces can be left behind on your computer. I’ve seen systems that have had hundreds of traces of spyware left in the Windows registry. This caused all kinds of problems for them while they were operating their PC but a simple clean of the Windows registry solved all of their problems.

Finally, you will have a much more enjoyable experience running your computer without the error windows and periodic crashes that you have to put up with. None of us enjoy going through these kind of problems, especially when we end up losing data and hours of hard work because their computer shuts off unexpectedly. Spending a little bit of time allowing a Windows registry cleaner to do its job will be well worth it once these things no longer exist on your system.

About the Author: There are many registry cleaners on the market but which ones really work? Visit Registry Cleaner Reviews to compare the top registry cleaners online.


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See more here: Why You Should Use a Registry Cleaner to Clean Up Your PC

Registry Fix

Freeware Registry Fix – Fix Your Registry Today For Free

By Kelly Purden

Notice the times you are sick but cannot seem to find what is wrong with you. Given prescriptions and medications that did not have an effect on your sick body but instead made you feel even more miserable. Worst, these prescriptions already cost you hundreds of dollars without consulting your family doctor which would mean additional expenses for your doctor and greater misery on your part.

This scenario can be likened to an ailing computer – non-responding blue screens, hanging instances, malfunctioning operating systems, software and sluggish performances. There are various reasons why computers act this way. However, one can never be sure of the reason, you may not know it but it is most possible that there are a hundred of these reasons. “Which one is which” is an important question to answer so that you may know the proper solution to your computer problem.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This saying best describes PC registry cleaners. A careful and wiser computer user applies a rigid maintenance procedure that includes registry cleaning regularly. An abundance of viruses, spywares, unchecked registry codes coming from installed and uninstalled programs all contribute to the slowing of your computer performance.

Freeware registry fix is like the apple that keeps your computer away from expensive technicians. It is a first aid. Yes, eventually, you need to have your computer fixed by a technician but until you know the proper prescription to your computer, this saves you that hard-earned dollar which can be used for other purposes. Aside from having that readily available freeware registry fix, it is highly recommended for both heavy computer and internet savvy users to know and learn how to tinker, troubleshoot firsthand their computers. It saves you a lot of trouble in the long run.

Freeware registry fixes can easily be downloaded in numerous internet sites that offer solutions to more than a dozen, common computer troubles. Many of these are safe to download and easy-to-use. A word of caution though, in choosing your own freeware registry fix, be very critical and exercise good judgment. Like medications, not all of these one-stop fixes will work for your computer. There is no such thing as one-size fits all. The first thing you need to do before using a freeware registry fix is to have an initial check-up of your computer. And this is when your technical know-how is put to good use.

Keep in mind this important reminder because many of these freeware registry fixes can cause more harm than good to your computer. It can even cause the dreaded system crash.

Look for features that you know would eventually help your computer and has some additional plus to you as a user. Of course, as mentioned, regular clean-ups on your computer are a big leap from avoiding these serious computer problems to happen which delays you from doing your work.

The best advantage of having registry cleaners is that you will have to kiss goodbye your old, slow computer and welcome the newly “made-over” computer. With registry cleaners, prevention is even better than the cure.

About the Author: Have you ever had a Freeware Registry Fix? If you haven’t then your computer is running at least 100% slower than it should be. Visit to clean your windows registry for FREE today! #1 Ranked Program online today – yours free at


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See the article here: Freeware Registry Fix – Fix Your Registry Today For Free